Sunday 19 December 2010

Trade and environmental diplomacy

A new facaced has been added to the epistimology of diplomacy. Environment and its implications have formed a new and complex issue inmodern diplomacy.
Environment and its policies must be regarded as a urgent matter that cannot be postponned nor can it be ignored.
It has been estimated that "Every year, there is a net loss of 22 million acres of forest area worldwide. Every year, toxic chemicals, some capable of traveling thousands of miles from their source and lasting decades in the environment, are released into the earth's atmosphere." (//
The ever interconected world of business and trade, the huge progress that has been made in the new and traditional technologies are all a major influence on the environment.
The creation of armament, nuclear weapens, the leading of wars have all great consequences on the environment.(
Economy explains the concept that is behaind the scarcity and its resources and how this can create divergences among countries, limitations of products, inequalities that in our modern age when the population has increased considerably is very difficult to avoid. There fore goverments, NGO's and private representatives must reach a mutual understanding to provide and to promote the safe use of the environment.(
Trade has an impact on every aspect and mostly on the environment, there is a contradiction that is created by the concept of trade and environment, it is very difficult to find a middle line that can marry the two, for economy must disregard many aspects that ultimately affects environment.

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