Tuesday 18 January 2011

My understanding of Diplomacy today

What i understand under Diplomacy. First i would like to give a short definition of Diplomacy. Actually there is not exact definition of "Diplomacy" but i will try to explain in my own words. Diplomacy is the area of politics where negotiations play a key role in order to resolve all tiny and big problems between governments. My understanding of Diplomacy is wide, there are too many factors and issues in diplomacy. If we compare the diplomacy in previous times , for example about 40-50 years and now, there is big difference, and it is because of the technological advances, technology innovate new things due to which , diplomatic relations became more mobile and easy accessed. Computers,mobile phones are all made life easier, but they have disadvantages as well as advantages. For example : electronic spying. "British spying on UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan was revealed in late February 2004 in an interview with Clare Short, an outspoken former member of the Tony Blair cabinet who resigned in the summer of 2003 and who has called on Blair to do the same". (Dynamics of Diplomacy, Jean Robert Leguey-Feilleux, page 94) This fact shows us that technological advances could damage politicians reputation as well, spying issues could easily be hidden in all buildings. Another example is the US embassy in Moscow. "In 1985 , after a further 7 years , when the building was nearing completion, the whole project came to a shuddering halt: US security experts discovered tens of thousands of microscopic listening devices embedded in the concrete walls of the eight-story structure".( Dynamics of Diplomacy, Jean Robert Leguey-Feilleux, page 95) Now i would like to move to the role of non-state actors such as NGOs and MNCs in diplomatic relations, NGOs has its influence on governments decisions and also may affect the diplomatic processes as well. NGOs at the same time doing good job in establishing relationship with states, but it depends on NGOs not all of them want to participate and negotiate with governments. "When NGOs could not reach an agreement , they served as invaluable back channels, letting both sides know where problems lay and where a compromise might be found". ( Dynamics of Diplomacy, Jean Robert Leguey-Feilleux, page 107) NGOs also participated in UN conferences and to some extend succeeded there. In short, NGOs has its bad and good sides for Diplomacy. "In the countries in which they operate , MNCs provide new technology" MNCs also provide jobs: they employ more than 73 million people". ( Dynamics of Diplomacy, Jean Robert Leguey-Feilleux, page 115) International organizations and groupings also are key actors in International relations and in diplomatic relations. Today diplomatic relations are existed in order to create opportunities and chances for negotiations between governments and countries , in order to establish strong political and economic relations.

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